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I’m a published author!

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Xan Barksdale

As of this afternoon, I can now say that I am a published author.  It’s a good feeling knowing that I have spent so much time and effort working on this project!  I feel that players or coaches at all levels will be benefit from reading CATCHING-101: The Complete Guide for Baseball Catchers.

I started writing the book when I was in college, and at the time I didn’t know that it was going to grow into a book.  I was simply keeping notes on the things that I was learning and what seemed to be working, and not working, for me behind the plate.  I continued to do this throughout my time with the Braves, saving notes in a folder on my computer.  The folder grew and grew and before I knew it I had amassed a lot of information!
When I became a coach in the fall of 2006 I continued to write notes for myself so that I could reference them later in my coaching career.  After a few years of doing this I realized that I should put it all together into a book so that others will be able to benefit from my knowledge.  So, about a year and a half ago I started spending a lot of time organizing my notes into very specific thoughts and saving them as chapters.
Today, the final edition of of my book is available for purchase!  It has been a lot of hard work, but it was fun and exciting work writing this book.  I hope you get as much enjoyment out of reading the book that I got from writing it!
To save $7 off the retail price, order your copy of CATCHING-101: The Complete Guide for Baseball Catchers directly from my publisher AuthorHouse.
Written By
Xan Barksdale


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