From time to time I like to get on a few different message boards and see what people are posting about catching. To be specific, I usually check out HSBaseball Web and Baseball-Fever.
Well, this morning when I logged into Baseball-Fever, I saw something pretty disturbing. The post was titled “Catcher stepping on a bat intentionally?”
This instantly had my attention and I had to click on it to find out what this was all about.
As you can imagine, it was a video of a catcher intentionally stepping on a bat with his metal spikes trying to damage the bat.
Watch this video below and you’ll see the culprit in action.
I’m not sure if the player thought this one up on his own, or if he was coached to do that, but I sure hope that no adult told him to do it!
Catchers…if anyone has ever taught you to do this don’t listen to them. If you think it’s cool, it’s not. Play the game the way it is supposed to be played.
If you’re not sure how it is supposed to be played, here is a quick checklist for you:
All you catchers out there take notice of this great example of what NOT to do!
Leave me a comment below and let me know what you would do if you saw a catcher on another team doing that.
P.S. I received permission from the user “Motherlode” at before I reposted his video.
Paul Bryant
Had this happen last season...we called the catcher out and the kid's father pulled him out of the game, cussed out the coach because he found out his kid was coached to do this if he thought no one was watching. Excellent parent....bad coach!
Charlie Wishon
I agree with ryan. Right at the hit you should kick the bat towards the fence. To keep yourself , and the baserunners out of harms way. While watching the play. Expelling the bat with periferal "lightly" works . Doesnt take much. This kid just has a bad attitude. Something to brush to the side and focus on positive coaching. For the players we get to influence. When I see this . I want to tell my players to keep moving forward. Were above negative action . We cant play better baseball if our focus is on any negative aspect of gameplay or practice of any individual or action. Call ect.
Greg Andrews
That's bad karma, as catcher's can be hurt, stepping on something going for fouls! Most likely the coach knows little to nothing about coaching catchers. I coach my catchers to be nice, and acknowledge each player, as ironically, kindness can be intimidating, when unexpected, and not out of line. In the same note, I also teach my catchers to be kind to umpires...who may call that strike, you framed, which wasn't. If the batter started this...the catcher needs to have faith you may just get justice putting that batter out at the plate, or stealing, sooner than later. When I was a catcher, in the 70's, and I got dirt kicked on me, by a nasty batter, I would say the same thing my mom said to my dad every morning..."See you at home honey." And I only did that if the batter had already been under the scrutiny of the umpires. A good catcher should never start a battle, but always be a gentlemen when the times comes to finish one. The other thought; You may play with the guy, you just put out, next the gentleman at all times, which too is intimidating, yet fair.
How can you tell a kid to step on a bat for any reason? Stepping on a bat to make a throw, obviously with their front foot where all of their weight is transferring to, is dangerous and could lead to a major injury for your catcher. I would suggest that you rethink that directive to her before something bad happens. Is a possible out worth losing your catcher for weeks or months if not longer?
As a longtime catcher, bats are always in the way. Always. When a play at the plate occurs there is generally enough time to kick the bat out of the way when you are preparing to field a throw. A simple kick to the cage is easy enough and far enough to clear the bat. This young man without trying was setting himself up for an ugly play at the plate with a bat underfoot. And possibly a pretty upset batter.
Seriously that kid was coached to how to do that. Not cool. I would never teach a kid to step on a bat to cause damage. I have told my catcher to step on it rather than step over it to make a throw. Cause stepping over the bat made her throw late. And the player was safe at third. It was on a walk That the bat got left in the third base line.
Oh my goodness! Where is that child's mother (or father)?!? My child would have a lot to answer for right then and there if he ever thought that was a good idea.