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Application for Xan Barksdale’s AdvoCare Team

New Training Products Available 
Written By
Xan Barksdale

I became a baseball coach 8 years ago for two reasons.  First, I couldn’t imagine NOT going to a baseball field everyday.  During my time playing professional baseball that’s what you do more than 200 days each year and the thought of not being around a baseball diamond made me sick!  Secondly, I wanted to help college age baseball players reach their goals of winning championships and playing professional baseball.  My coaches played such an important role in my life that I wanted to do it for others.

It’s fun helping people.  Whether you’re helping someone reach their goals of playing professional baseball, earn a college degree, or start living a healthier life it is really fun and rewarding knowing that you’re helping other people.  I get tons of emails each week from parents, coaches, and players all over the world asking for my advice about all topics related to catching.  However, my favorite emails to get are the ones where a dad tells me “Thank you so much for putting your instructional videos on YouTube.  I did the drills with my son and it helped him win a starting job on his team.”

That’s why I wanted to present you an opportunity to help others.  I’m involved with a company called AdvoCare that provides nutritional supplements to many of the top professional athletes in the world.  Before I tell you about the opportunity, I’d like to tell you a quick story about how I was introduced to them.

A few years ago I stumbled across AdvoCare when I was searching for safe supplements to take.  Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last decade, you realize that unhealthy supplements and drugs have constantly been in the news and ESPN.  Because of this, I was researching supplements for myself that would help me lose a few pounds and gain overall health/wellness.  The name AdvoCare kept popping up…and for good reason!  AdvoCare products are guaranteed to be free from banned substances and that’s why so many professional and NCAA athletes use them.  So, I started to look into this “AdvoCare” company.

I’m a very analytical person and I like to heavily research anything that I do.  Especially, when some things seem “too good to be true.”  AdvoCare was definitely on that list!  Everywhere I looked, I found nothing  but positive reviews from professional athletes and Regular Joes.  I thought that if I kept researching AdvoCare I would start to find negative reviews…I was wrong!

In my research I found out that AdvoCare offers more than healthy, safe nutritional supplements.  They also offer an opportunity to make extra income by sharing their products with others.  This allows you to become healthier, help others become healthier, and also make a significant amount of money by simply helping others achieve their health and financial goals.

Over the past few years I’ve helped dozens of other people create healthy lifestyles and an income for themselves.  I’d like to do the same for you…but only if you’re motivated by health and financial freedom.

I’d love to have you join my AdvoCare team, but I’m only willing to work with a few highly motivated people right now.  If I choose to work with you I will show you how I’ve achieved success with AdvoCare and help you replicate it for yourself.  If you want to help others become healthier and make an extra income please fill out the form below.

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Written By
Xan Barksdale


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Coach Xan

The whole line of products is good, but if I had to recommend just a couple I'd start with Muscle Gain, Muscle Strength, and Post-Workout Recovery. I've taken all of them and have had good results. Also, it's a personal choice, but I like the chocolate flavors the best. Let me know if you need any more help!

Connie York

Hi Coach Barksdale, What products of the Advocare Performance Elite Program can a 17 year old baseball player take to increase his muscle growth and to sustain it?

Coach Mark

Thanks Xan for ALL you've been doing through the years now as a coach and author. I bought your book here a couple years ago, and along with some other instructional DVDS I had your book put my son at the TOP of the heap, so to speak, above the rest of the teams we played as a catcher because of the FACT that you take each piece of the catching puzzle and put it together so well even my 10 year old could "get it". The great thing now is that I am also now able to order up YOUR dvd as well--and use the old basic youth club dvds as coasters...LOL. God bless and the SOUTH PLATTE SPARTANS SALUTE YOU.


Love what you teach you have so much knowledge in catching

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